Monday, February 18, 2013

New Things!

Hello All! Happy Monday! Today was full of creating things, organizing things, getting rid of things and BLUEBERRY COFFEE!!!!!!!!! 
I felt the need to finally update my shop, SECRET CITY, after not getting a job I was sort of excited about (they found someone to fill the position before I could have my interview :-/ ) .  So, to cheer myself up, and hopefully make a bit of money, I put these headbands up! I feel a late night coming on.... I have a few more to make and photograph tonight and obviously, more blueberry coffee to drink! (which you can purchase HERE. This particular link is for a case of it, but believe me, it's worth it. 66 oz. of BLUEBERRY FRACKING MAGIC. DO IT!!!!)


  1. You look so cute! I'm in love with the 4th one!!

  2. Those are really pretty headbands....really creative
    love Vikee

  3. Gwenivere, I wanted to email you back, but I couldn't find your contact email on the blog and you have a "no-reply" commenting status. BUT exciting! What brings you to Raleigh?! I really love it here.

    1. oooooooh I need to fix that! Until I do, my email is :) I looooove Raleigh. My boyfriend and a whole lot of my family live around that area, so, a move is in the works! Raleigh totally charmed the pants off me the last few times I visited. The acorn drop on New Years, and a free science museum?!?!?!?!?! Oh yes. Raleigh is for me. :)

  4. These are so pretty! Such a bummer that you didn't get the job. Hopefully something even better will come along soon! xo

    1. Thanks so much Dorien! Something else actually DID come up, so, I am very very very thankful :)
